It was the Friday before last that I got the bad news about the joists - that day, half jokingly, I said, "while we're at it, why don't we just vault this f-er." Note: All decorum goes out the window when you just found that mounting your cabinets to your ceiling was going to cause it to come crashing down and you're looking down the barrel of a $1000+ change-order for things that were supposed to be "good" per the home inspection.
Our lead carpenter, Keith, got to thinking about vaulting it over the weekend, talked to Tiff on Monday and Daniel from Yoder Dame called to let me know that we could do it, for real, if we wanted to; but had to have the decision made that next morning in order to avoid a work stoppage.
I said that I'd draw something up in Sketchup - so that we could all get on the same page and then say yay or nay.
The concept attached our cabinets to a limestone veneer chimney |
The view from the dining room |
We looked at it, loved it, rethought it looking at the pricing for materials and labor and decided that we'd never see the money again. Cabinets? Yes, Standard Kitchen renovation stuff? Yes; but the cost of restructuring was just going to be too much for what is not our "Forever" home.