LOYAL FOLLOWERS (The few of you there are), it's been awhile since we last posted about the house and progress. We still are working...honestly. Before the holidays we had a few other priorities (e.g. making sure we got presents for everyone) and taking the time make some advent trees for Tiffany's Brother and Sister. The trees were a labor of love and created from pictures of the advent tree that Tiffany's family had growing up. The trees were handcut with an extremely thin blade on my Festool jigsaw for scrolling and the finish was hand applied (including the little flowers...which I didn't know I had in me). These are the things that take longer than you anticipate, but are well worth it in the end.
Christmas was a great time with Family. My wife (and her father, who split the gift) spoiled me with a Bosch 10" 15 amp tablesaw on a gravity-rise stand. Something that has been on my wishlist for years, but had never been imagined in my wildest dreams. It paves the ways for the louvered door project once I get back on my feet (we'll get to that in a few minutes).

We came back to Bedford for New Years. We rang in the New Year like old people...or people motivated to get their home project back on-track. I cleaned up the garage space from projects and Tiff and I kept unpacking stuff from the master bedroom, so that we could clear items out of the office to finish it out and that night I repaired two extension cords. Funny things, extension cords...heavy gauge outdoor ones are pretty expensive but they are so easy to accidentally cut with electric hedge trimmers (this repair had been some time in the coming, mind you that was only one extension cord, I didn't do it to both). We also got the fireplace started for the first time.
These objectives in the bag, we chose a color for the office and have been thinking about turning it into a laundry/storage/workout space. This would get the Washer/Dryer out of the kitchen and provide us a temporary kitchen space while we re-did the kitchen. I will post some ideas when we get those fleshed out. The colors shown below. Our choice is the fifth swatch from the left. No...the images are not color correct or even similar, but they are walls of the room and you get the idea.

Now to the bang-up portion of 2010. Just as we were gaining some momentum on the home reno again, I was in a car accident on Thursday. Sparing the gory details, I was driving the Passatt to work, slipped on an icy patch and did a spin-move into the front of a semi. After an ambulance ride and a plethora of technological testing wizardry, I was pronounced bumped, bruised, strained and "going to get worse on the pain scale", but OK by the Bedford Regional Medical Center. We'll see if there's anything further reaching or if I need any therapy, etc. to get back to 100%. Some pictures of the Passatt to illustrate how blessed/lucky (depending on your personal belief structure) this guy is. These are pictures of the Passatt at the boneyard when we went to go clean her out. We'll take some time to regroup and design that laundry/storage space while I am on the mend.